Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Alive!!!

Gabe, the six year old, has just discovered the peas are sprouting. He's been checking, hourly, for the last week since we put the shriveled wizened peas into a plastic container with a damp paper towel and stuck them beneath the kitchen sink.
We'll have them in the ground this coming weekend, by which time I promise I will finish the next 3.5x20 foot plot. We did start it today, but were rained out by some lovely blustery spring weather.
I can't wait to see his face when the first potatoes push through the ground.
I am now making plans to accomodate 3 kiwi vines which I removed from a friends landscape (they hadn't produced a single fuzzy fruit in 5 years). Their temporary home will be 3 20gallon buckets until I can create an arbor. I'm considering sending them up a young Scotch pine growing nearby, but must first get the approval of my wife. This was her birthday present, and I'd hate to be held responsible for its untimely demise.
In other edible news, the Bigleaf maples (Acer macrophyllum) are blooming, beautiful long chartreuse colored panicles. The young blooms are said to be sweet and tasty. Tomorrow, I plan to eat my tree.

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